Christian Life

Blog Entries

Pure Joy, Oh My

God is not dead in China, and he never will be. He is working his purpose out and giving us some paths to work with him in it in the times we are in.

Blog Entries

Slithering Into the Year of the Snake

Wisdom, Faith, and Festive Reflections

As we welcome the Year of the Snake, our team has prepared a short video to send heartfelt New Year’s blessings to all our readers! We also invite you to explore our archive of articles that delve into the spiritual and cultural dimensions of the Lunar New Year.

Blog Entries

Praying for China | Prayercast

We are starting a series designed to introduce various resources that can be used by individuals and churches. One such resource is a site called Prayercast, a ministry of OneWay Ministries.

Blog Entries

A Time to Pray

Responding to Disasters with Faith and Unity

This perspective on God’s faithfulness is especially crucial as we face current challenges, including natural disasters like fires and earthquakes.

Blog Entries

A Story Well Lived

Rudolf was all of these—a dear brother in Christ who left an indelible impression on those with whom he served. His vision and unstoppable determination to seek the expansion of Christ’s kingdom in China were instrumental in shaping ChinaSource into the organization it is today.

Blog Entries

Pray for China in 2025

Prayer is and has long been a hallmark of churches in China. As we enter a new year, we at ChinaSource are committing to a renewed emphasis on praying for China. What are some of the things that we want to see happen in China, in the lives of those we serve there, and in our own hearts and minds?

Blog Entries

Anticipating Hope

In just a few weeks we will celebrate Messiah’s birth, remembering the day when hope entered the world, forever changing the course of human history. Many of our China stories have a similar anticipatory quality. Whatever our stories may promise, our hope for China is more than looking forward to an ideal future.

Blog Entries


As we prepare for Thanksgiving Day celebrations here in the United States, I’ve been thinking about expressions of thanks in Chinese culture and language. The most common way of expressing thanks in Chinese is xie xie (谢谢). But there is another word: gan’en (感恩). I love that en means “grace.”

Blog Entries

Chinese Upbringing and US Culture

A Third-Culture Kid Bridges East and West

Pray that the Chinese Gen Z can find their true meaning and identity, that their worth would not in their achievements, but of a higher force.

Blog Entries

God Is on the Move, Part 1

Observations and Reflections on Protestant Christianity in Post-Covid China

During the zero-COVID chaos, Chinese churches found hope and resilience, witnessing God's presence amid isolation.