Chinese Church Voices in What Are Chinese Young People Thinking?

Chinese Church Voices

What Are Our Young People Thinking: Post 95 Generation

In the past two weeks, we have posted part one and two of an article titled “What are our Young People Thinking: How to Witness to Youth of the Post 1980’s, 1990’s and 1995’s,”, originally published in The Church Magazine. Part one  looked specifically at the unique characteristics of the post-80s generation of Chinese youth. Part two looked specifically at the unique characteristics of the post-90s generation of Chinese youth.

Part three looks at the post-95s generation.

Chinese Church Voices

What Are Our Young People Thinking: Post 90s Generation

In last week's post we published part one of an article titled titled “What are our Young People Thinking: How to Witness to Youth of the Post 1980s, 1990s and 1995s,” originally published in The Church Magazine. That post looked specifically at the unique characteristics of the post-80s generation of Chinese youth.

Part two looks at the post-90s generation.

Chinese Church Voices

What Are Our Young People Thinking? The Post 80s Generation

In the November 2014 issue of The Church Magazine, they posted a long article titled “What are our Young People Thinking: How to Witness to Youth of the Post 1980s, 1990s and 1995s,” written by Lu Zun’en. In it he describes the unique characteristics of each of these groups (generations) of young people, and suggests effective means of evangelistic engagement.