Chinese Church Voices

Chinese Church Voices is an occasional column of the ChinaSource Blog providing translations of original writing by Christians in China. The views represented are entirely those of the original author; inclusion in Chinese Church Voices does not imply or equal an endorsement by ChinaSource.

Chinese Church Voices

Back to Church in Post-COVID China

For most churches, stagnant ministry and the loss of believers were inevitable during the pandemic. Churches need to focus on how to expand further, gain new believers to compensate for the loss, and even achieve growth in the number of believers.

Chinese Church Voices

Church Cares for Elderly in Zhangzhou City Nursing Home

Run by the Tabitha volunteer service center of Beimen Church in Zhangzhou City, the Jiale Nursing Home opened in May 2021 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the church, which was established on Easter.

Chinese Church Voices

Twenty Quotes from Faithful Disobedience

Wang Yi said, “We have an opportunity to demonstrate to society what the church is; why spiritual authority should not be in the hands of those who wield the sword; why we can…endure external governance but cannot allow our faith, worship, teaching, …and members to come under the state’s review and control.”

Chinese Church Voices

A Tsinghua University Mathematician Finds Rest in Christ

I will never forget my parent’s exhortation as I left for Beijing: “Your parents and siblings will sometimes leave; only Jesus does not leave. . . . Regardless of where you end up, never forget Jesus. He is our family’s savior.” Even though by then my heart was already far from God, my parents’ words gave [me] a thread of comfort.

Chinese Church Voices

Opening the Eyes of My Heart

I was once lost but was bought by God at great price. I had been a confused Christian for many years, and there was no change in my life until God opened my spiritual eyes and made me see.

Chinese Church Voices

Lost on a Mountain, Found by God

A Tsinghua University graduate in automotive engineering felt lost in every area of his life until he was found by God on a snow-bound mountain in Qinghai Province.

Chinese Church Voices

Challenges to Spiritual Maturity in a Connected World

Secularization affects the church everywhere and China is no exception. This conversation with an experienced pastor from East China points out that the connectedness of our current age contributes to the challenges of secularization and often hampers spiritual growth.

Chinese Church Voices

One Who Waited for “Godot” but Found God

The next year went as hoped. I entered Peking University, and my father’s dreams were fulfilled. But the excitement was short-lived. Very quickly, my heart was restless again: What should my next step be? Take classes, join student organizations, make friends. . . My heart felt hollow.

Chinese Church Voices

A Hydraulics Engineer Finds True Success

In the world’s eyes, I seemed successful. I had graduated from a famous university and stayed to teach there. . . . I wasn’t “left-over” in the marriage market and got married at the age of 26. If this was what a successful life looked like, then I’d rather give it all up, in exchange for the treasure I got after the age of 30—my Lord Jesus Christ.

Chinese Church Voices

Protecting Children from Abuse

What Can the Church Do?

This year, just after Children’s Day on June 1, two horrific incidents involving the sexual abuse of girls were reported in China. In response to those incidents, this article from Gospel Times discusses what the church should do to help protect children and prevent sexual abuse.