Blog Entries by Joy Cheng

Joy Cheng

Dr. Joy Cheng serves as the Director of the Chinese Ministry Programming Department at Far East Broadcasting Company, USA. She holds a doctorate in Pastoral Ministry with a focus on Marriage and Family Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary. She is the founder of the Far East Family Ministry Training Center. Dr. Cheng is the executive producer and host of the podcast "Love Dwells in Our Home" and a program host at Good Friends Radio. She is also the Dean of Academic Affairs at the Good Shepherd Bible Institute and an adjunct professor at LOGOS Evangelical Seminary and Christian Witness Theological Seminary. Dr. Chen teaches various courses related to marriage and family, parenting, and youth development at several theological seminaries. Alongside her husband, she homeschools their three children: Elijah, who is 18 and has started college; Evangeline, who is 15; and Eliana, who is 11.

Blog Entries

More than Just “Good”

Our new identity in Christ allows us to bravely face everything that being a woman entails… Even if the world, Satan, or our own sin constantly seek to deceive us, we can, by fixing our eyes on God, bravely and strongly maintain our feminine identity.