Blog Entries by John Ensor

John Ensor

John Ensor is the president of PassionLife, a prolife global missions partner to Christian leaders serving where the plague of abortion, infanticide and gendercide is especially concentrated.



Blog Entries

The Midwives of Egypt

I had never mentioned the account of the midwives in Egypt, nor did I have plans to do so. As the day unfolded, the woman’s story spread and the call was repeated, “Let us be like the midwives of Egypt.”

Blog Entries

Prolife Work—an Entry Point for the Gospel

When people of faith are directly involved with people experiencing a crisis of faith, gospel ministry happens.

Blog Entries

Children’s Day and Other Sparks of a Prolife Movement in China

In 2013, I first learned of a campaign linking China’s June 1st national holiday— “Children’s Day,” to a call to treasure human life in the womb and to reject abortion.