Amy Young

Amy Young

Amy Young, MA, LPC loves a good story. She served in China for nearly 20 years (plenty of stories there!). As the founder and CEO of Global Trellis, her current story involves helping great commission workers have tended souls and expanding skill sets. Amy has written six books for great commission workers including Looming Transitions and Becoming More Fruitful in Cross-Cultural Work. She lives in Colorado and is delighted not to have to get up in the middle of the night to cheer for the Denver Broncos and Kansas Jayhawks.

Blog Entries

Three “T” Reasons to Read “The Tea Girl”

If you enjoy a hot cup of tea and historical fiction, then this book is for you! 

Blog Entries

Home, James

A Book Recommendation

"It takes more than a passport to feel at home."

Supporting Article

Debriefing before the Final Goodbye

The author provides debriefing questions that can assist in evaluating life in China and aid in healthy transitions.


Looming Transitions

Starting and Finishing Well in Cross-Cultural Service

Thinking through the process of transition beforehand can make all the difference between a smooth entry and/or re-entry, or a decidedly bumpy landing. Practical in nature, Looming Transitions is geared to help you to do just that.decidedly bumpy landing.


Love, Amy

An Accidental Memoir Told in Newsletters from China

Amy tells her story of how she moved to China to teach English. She anticipated making cultural faux pas, trying new food, seeing God at work, and growing in her knowledge of language and culture. What she could not foresee was all of the adventures and hardships she would be asked to face. Join Amy, a natural storyteller, as she shares her life in China letter by letter.

Blog Entries

One Last Summer Reading Recommendation

It’s September and the autumn semester has started for most students, but before the leaves start to turn and the temperature plunges, we have one more summer reading book recommendation for you.

Training Materials

Serving Well in China

A Cultural Framework for Serving in China

This course is less about a set of answers and more about presenting a framework with which to process the complexities of China. When you encounter confusing situations or cultural differences, what you learn here will help you reconcile them with your cultural background and expectations.

Blog Entries

Looming Transitions, the Back Story

Preparing to go overseas or getting ready to return to your passport country? This book is for you.

Blog Entries

Best Christmas Advice: Act One and Act Two

Pondering the incarnation in a cross-cultural setting.

Blog Entries

A Non-Cook Reviews 3 Chinese Cookbooks

Three cookbooks everyone who is interested in China—cooks and non-cooks alike—should know about.