Tag: Wang Mingdao

Blog Entries

5 Theological Truths and Church-State Relations (2)

Lessons from China

How will we react to attempts to divide us along socio-economic, racial, ideological, or nationalistic lines? Will we quietly acquiesce and accept a church that is not really whole?

Supporting Article

Chinese Culture and the Ethos of Suffering in the Chinese Church

Ahern addresses the Chinese understanding of suffering for Christ, its place in the lives of three well-known Chinese pastors, and the place it should have in the lives of Chinese Christians today.

Blog Entries

8 Things to Know about Wang Mingdao

A new blog in China called iWorship is giving voice to Wang Mingdao, one of the great evangelists and leaders of the Chinese church during the twentieth century. Last week, on our Chinese Church Voices blog, we posted a translation of one of their posts, called “Slow to Speak.” In it, Pastor Wang reminds us of the importance of using our words for God’s glory.

Chinese Church Voices

Wang Mingdao on the Importance of Being Slow to Speak

One popular new Christian blog in China is called iWorship (爱敬拜). A recent post featured an excerpt of some writing by Wang Mingdao, the famous Chinese evangelist of the early twentieth century. In it, he presents multiple scenarios where it is best to be slow to speak, reminding the reader of the importance of making sure that our words are being used for God’s glory. In the era of social media, which demands a comment or opinion or criticism of everything, it remains a good word for us all today.