Tag: Three-Self Patriotic Movement

Chinese Church Voices

Churches Prepare for New Regulations

On September 7, 2017, the Chinese government released revised regulations on religious affairs that will take effect on February 1, 2018. Some local Chinese churches have started to study the regulations in order to prepare for the changes. China Christian Daily provides insight on how some churches are readying themselves.

Blog Entries

Who Was Mr. Wu?

Earlier this month, William Wan wrote an excellent article in the Washington Post, title "Prophet or Judas? Son of China Church Founder Tackles Thorny Legacy." The article introduces us to YT Wu, the man who, in the 1950s founded the Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee that became the umbrella organization for Protestant Churches in China. The article is specifically about Wu's son's attempts to access his father's personal diaries, which remain in the hands of the government.