Tag: Testimony
The Gift of a Special Needs Son
Looking back, it must have been the moving of the Holy Spirit that compelled me to ask Yanfei and my daughter to join me in being baptized on the evening of December 24, 2003, and taking on the name of Christian.
From Despair to Hope
Enter into the world of rural China and open your heart to the story of a young woman who suffered with depression until she heard the gospel in college. Now she is full of hope and joy because of truth and beauty of her Christian faith. She has led her family to Christ and was able to minister to the house church in her village.
A Missed Opportunity
How Our Questions Shape Our Narratives
Through his testimony, many became acquainted with China’s suffering church. His story was one that needed to be shared, and by God’s grace it became a great source of encouragement to those who heard it. . . . There is another story, however, that could have been told if anyone had thought to ask.
The Impact of a Gospel-Centered Life
A Reflection on the Ministry and Writings of Timothy Keller
Timothy Keller’s passing is a cause for mourning. The Christian community has lost a champion of the faith, but I cannot help but feel joy and hope as I watched him from afar; as he faced the news of cancer, struggled through treatment, and never let go of the gospel even to the end. His testimony of a life well-lived . . . fills me with hope.
Supporting Article
Yan’s Conversion and Pentecostal Experience
Sister Yan recounts how she became a believer in Christ, sought and experienced speaking in tongues, was enabled by the Holy Spirit to minister for Christ, and faced persecution.
Expecting Great Things from God
A Chinese Couple’s Testimony
Over the past twelve years, my wife and I have been faithful in carrying out the great commission with the great commandment in our hearts. As a result of exercising our faith in his promises and our willingness to pay the price to win souls for Jesus, the Lord has favored us with fire, force, and much lasting fruit.
A Tsinghua University Mathematician Finds Rest in Christ
I will never forget my parent’s exhortation as I left for Beijing: “Your parents and siblings will sometimes leave; only Jesus does not leave. . . . Regardless of where you end up, never forget Jesus. He is our family’s savior.” Even though by then my heart was already far from God, my parents’ words gave [me] a thread of comfort.
Opening the Eyes of My Heart
I was once lost but was bought by God at great price. I had been a confused Christian for many years, and there was no change in my life until God opened my spiritual eyes and made me see.
Lost on a Mountain, Found by God
A Tsinghua University graduate in automotive engineering felt lost in every area of his life until he was found by God on a snow-bound mountain in Qinghai Province.
One Who Waited for “Godot” but Found God
The next year went as hoped. I entered Peking University, and my father’s dreams were fulfilled. But the excitement was short-lived. Very quickly, my heart was restless again: What should my next step be? Take classes, join student organizations, make friends. . . My heart felt hollow.