Tag: Senior Care
Church Cares for Elderly in Zhangzhou City Nursing Home
Run by the Tabitha volunteer service center of Beimen Church in Zhangzhou City, the Jiale Nursing Home opened in May 2021 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the church, which was established on Easter.
How to Minister to Seniors (3)
The journal ChurchChina published an article earlier this summer on how Chinese Christians can care for and minister to the increasing senior population in China. In recent weeks we have published parts one and two of a translation of that article in which the author described her ministry to the elderly in a senior center and helpful recommendations for serving seniors. This is part three in which the author reflects on and summarizes serving the elderly.
How to Minister to Seniors (2)
The journal ChurchChina published an article earlier this summer on how Chinese Christians can care for and minister to the increasing senior population in China. Last week we published part one of a translation of that article in which the author describes her ministry to the elderly in a senior center. This week we publish part two which includes helpful recommendations for serving seniors.
How to Minister to Seniors (1)
In this article from the journal ChurchChina, the author gives an example of how Chinese Christians can care for and minister to the senior population. She describes her own ministry to the elderly in senior centers, as well as makes useful recommendations for how to minister to seniors. This is part one of an article being reposted in three-parts.
Senior Care in China
Will the Church Step Up?
Looking at the challenges of the growing population of the elderly in China and the opportunities for churches to meet the needs.