Tag: Reformed Faith

Blog Entries

How Can Chinese Christians Foster a Reformation Spirit?

Today Christians celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. But why?

Chinese Church Voices

Conversations from Reformation 500, Part 2

More excerpts from conversations with mainland attendees of the Reformation 500 and the Gospel conference held in Hong Kong in May 2017.

Chinese Church Voices

Evangelism, Reformed Theology, and Church Life, Part 3

 Last week we posted the second part of an article from ChurchChina about the impact of Reformed theology on evangelism in “Y Church.” Part one discussed the current situation of Y Church. The second part described in more detail how the research findings describe the impact of Reformed theology on Y Church’s evangelism. The third part gives recommendations for Y Church’s evangelism. This is part three.

Blog Entries

Reflections on the Reformation 500 and the Gospel Conference

We caught up with our friend Jackson Wu at the Reformation 500 conference in Hong Kong and asked him to share his reflections on the conference.

Blog Entries

Key Challenges

At the Reformation500 Conference in Hong Kong, we have had the opportunity to chat with believers from around the country about various topics. One of the questions we have been asking is this: What are the key challenges facing believers in China today?

Blog Entries

The Church’s One Foundation

Singing together with 3000 believers—The Church's One Foundation!

Chinese Church Voices

Evangelism, Reformed Theology, and Church Life, Part 2

Last week we posted the first part of an article from ChurchChina about the impact of Reformed theology on evangelism in “Y Church.” Part one discussed the current situation of Y Church. The second part describes in more detail how the research findings reveal the impact of Reformed theology on Y Church’s evangelism. The third part will give recommendations for Y Church’s evangelism efforts. This is part two.

Chinese Church Voices

Evangelism, Reformed Theology, and Church Life, Part 1

A growing movement of churches attracted to the Reformed faith is gaining steam in China. Although still comparatively small in number, these churches and several of their prominent leaders are gaining influence among Christians across China. This article, originally published in the journal ChurchChina, provides hard data on how Reformed theology has impacted the evangelistic efforts and gospel understanding of one church in Anhui province. This case study seeks to answer the question: How has Reformed theology impacted the spread of the gospel in “Y” Church? 

Blog Entries

“Theological Reflections on Urban Churches in China”

A Reformed Theologian Responds

Reformed theologian Bruce Baugus responds to the 2015 summer issue of the ChinaSource Quarterly, "Theological Reflections on Urban Churches in China."