Tag: Pollution

Chinese Church Voices

Responding to the Smog (Part 2)

Earlier this month we posted the first part of an article of reflections on pollution in China that was published in the journal Territory. The focus of the article is how Chinese Christians reflect on the recent waves of heavy pollution in north China. This week we post the rest of the reflections.

Chinese Church Voices

Responding to the Smog (Part 1)

As China moved from 2016 into 2017, a wave of heavy pollution blanketed the Northeast for over a week. The persistent smog not only made headlines abroad, but also generated much online conversation. Although many Chinese have learned to cope with or weather regular pollution, these unprecedented levels of smog caused many to question more seriously what effects the pollution has on their lives. How have some Chinese Christians responded? The journal Territory put together several reflections from Christians on varying contrasting themes related to pollution.

Blog Entries

Lip-Reading in China

Here’s a question for you: how do you lip-read when everyone is wearing an anti-pollution facemask? One hearing-impaired woman from Great Britain found out while doing an internship in Beijing. She told her story to the BBC in "Toxic Talk: Trying to Lip Read in China."

Blog Entries

Stewarding the Environment

China’s Energy Future

Taking a look at the global implications of China's environmental crisis. 

Blog Entries

“The Air that I Breathe”

Personal Reflections on Pollution in China

“Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe.” I loved the 1974 hit “The Air That I Breathe” by The Hollies when I was a kid. The song is really a love song and has little to do with air pollution, the environment, or the main things I wish to reflect on in this short piece.

Blog Entries

Now You See it, Now You Don’t

Last week as the Internet in the US was melting, thanks to a dress and a couple of llamas, Chinese netizens were gripped by an online documentary that was going viral. The video, titled Under the Dome, is a hard-hitting look at the effects of pollution in China. It was posted on February 28, and within 48 hours had been viewed by 100 million people. Yes, you read that right, ONE HUNDRED MILLION!

Blog Entries

Random Observations Following a Two-Week Visit to Beijing

Earlier this month I got to spend two weeks back in Beijing, my former “home town.” 

Chinese Church Voices

Do You Wear a Face Mask?

In response to increased air pollution in China, a writer reminds Christians of the need to not just wear face masks, but to also guard against the attacks of Satan.