Tag: Partnership

Blog Entries

Partners in Faith

Answering the Call to “Come and See” in China

Those of us involved in China ministry since the early 1980s have been eye-witnesses of China’s rapid changes on the surface. As China opens again after COVID-19, I believe we are asking the same question again—what is our role as Christians from the West in China?

Blog Entries

Just Listen

“If the… global body of Christ can be there and say, ‘We are together here with you. I have my struggles, and you have your struggles, but we are together, praying to God together and seeking his guidance and help together,’…that can be very comforting and can be an encouragement.”

Blog Entries

Building God’s Kingdom Together

Even though obstacles to ministry in China are on the rise, our Heavenly Father continues to open new doors for ChinaSource.

Blog Entries

An Interview with Mike Frith, Founder and Director of OSCAR

ChinaSource is excited to partner with OSCAR, which stands for One Stop Center for Advice and Resources. The UK-based website offers both in-person and online courses, including the British Culture Orientation course. Find out about this course and more aspects of OSCAR’s work in this “3 Questions” video interview with Mike Frith.

ChinaSource Conversations

3 Questions: Interview with Mike Frith, Founder and Director of OSCAR

ChinaSource is delighted to partner with OSCAR, which stands for One Stop Center for Advice and Resources. The UK-based website offers both in-person and online courses, including the British Culture Orientation course. Joann Pittman recently spoke with Mike Frith to find out about this course and how churches can use it to help diaspora Chinese Christians.

Blog Entries

Partnerships: “Cooperate and Graduate”

Our commitment to collaboration is rooted in our belief that unity in the ministry community comes through recognizing the unique roles, gifts, and resources that each individual and organization brings to advance the kingdom of God in China and globally, and that working together for their strategic deployment results in multiplied effectiveness.

Blog Entries

Spanning the Gap for Returnees

Is your outreach to internationals causing students to get lost in the gap as they return to their home? Consider how to serve them better through partnership. 

Blog Entries

Partnering in China: The Missing Foundation

On the partnership continuum, friendship is foundational. 

Blog Entries

How Partnerships Develop

“Partnership” can mean many different things to different people. An infographic from Missio Nexus provides a helpful framework for developing effective partnerships.

Blog Entries

Billy Graham’s Legacy of Partnering

A less visible, but equally significant, contribution of Billy Graham.