Tag: Ethnic Minorities
What’s the Finish Line of the Great Commission?
The finish line of the Great Commission is not merely evangelism or church planting; it is to bring about the obedience of faith among all peoples, resulting in healthy, biblical, local churches that display the glory of Christ in their communities and beyond.
Unreached People Groups in China
A Call to Action
Together, let us commit to being part of God's mission to make disciples of all nations, until every people group in China and around the world has heard the good news of Jesus Christ.
Engaging with Chinese Muslims, Part 1
The Woman at the Well as a Model for Evangelism
Engaging with Chinese Muslims requires building relationships through intentional, informal, and interactive conversations. Following Jesus' example with the Samaritan woman, we can find points of contact, steer discussions towards spiritual matters, reveal their need for salvation by confronting their sins with compassion and humanity, share the gospel story, and invite a decision to follow Christ.
The Chinese Church Does Missions (1) Within China
ChinaSource Summer School Session 4
Chinese Christians have been active in evangelizing their neighbors and fellow citizens, including ethnic minorities, for decades. In this fourth session of ChinaSource Summer School, we have rounded up a collection of articles, including case studies, theological meditations, and missiological analysis.
Supporting Article
Where Is the Chinese Missionary Movement Headed in the New Era?
Xi Jinping has put forth a grand vision and blueprint for China’s future. The Chinese church is eager to evangelize but over the past ten years has experienced significant restrictions. How then should the church and mission movement in China respond?
Sober Optimism
Opposition and Opportunity
This conversation did raise for me, two important questions. How do we view the world around us, and particularly its political and social institutions? And how will God’s redemptive plan, God’s kingdom, be ushered in in all of its fullness?
Know Thy IPG* Neighbor
Know Thy Hui Neighbor (10)
Who are the neighbors you want to reach for Christ?
Hui Disciples of Jesus
Know Thy Hui Neighbor (8)
A look at three threats to Hui disciples and three paths they might take as they follow the Lord.
Hui Weddings, Funerals, and Other Rites of Passage
Know Thy Hui Neighbor (7)
Rites of passage are supposed to be passed through—they serve as gateways to the next stage of life. Yet too many of our Hui friends see them as closed doors, barriers to entering new life in Christ.
May They Dream of Jesus
Know Thy Hui Neighbor (6)
This is the time of year when Muslims are most in tune with spirituality and when Christians who love Muslims pray most fervently for God to reveal himself to them in the person of Jesus the Messiah.