Tag: Cults
When a Loved One Is Drawn into a Cult
Heretical cults are active in China. How should friends and family members respond when they suspect a loved one is being drawn into a cult?
5 Important Issues for 2020
A Christian in Fujian province shares what he thinks Christians in China should be paying attention to this year.
Cults and the Rural Church
Rural areas are especially at risk for false teaching. The danger of cults, says Brother Liu, cannot be taken lightly.
Cult Activity in China Impacts Churches
While the number of Christians continues to grow in China, so too does the number of cults active in China.
Cults on Social Media
A warning against false teachings being spread on WeChat.
Shining Light on China’s Cults
The phenomenal growth of China’s church has, justifiably, given rise to much discussion about how Christianity will impact China’s future...Beneath the upbeat reports of the church’s growing numbers and influence, however, is the harsh reality that unprecedented growth accompanied by a severe shortage of trained leadership has left the church increasingly vulnerable to cults and heresies.
Cults in China
Last year members of the Almighty God sect savagely attacked a customer in a McDonald’s in northeast China after she refused to give them her cell phone number. Formerly known as Eastern Lightning, the Almighty God sect has emerged as one of the most active cults in China.
Supporting Article
Discerning a Cult
How can a cult be identified? This article alerts the reader to characteristics that can serve as warnings for the possible need to make a further examination of a church or group. It discusses specific issues related to authority and exclusivity, control and submission, secrecy and darkness, and abnormal changes in goals and conduct.