Tag: Chinese Youth

Chinese Church Voices

Where Can Young People Turn? (3)

A Chinese Christian counselor talks about the current emotional plight of Chinese young people and provides penetrating analysis that is helpful to better understand the challenges that Chinese young people face today.

Blog Entries

What Is the Gospel and Its Implications for Second Generation Chinese Youth

The gospel of grace taught in the home and at church is vital for reaching Chinese American youth.

Chinese Church Voices

Where Can Young People Turn? (2)

A Chinese Christian counselor talks about the current emotional plight of Chinese young people and provides penetrating analysis that is helpful to better understand the challenges that Chinese young people face today.

Chinese Church Voices

A Generation of Digital Nomads (2)

Chinese youth are living in a world drastically different from a generation ago. What motivates young Chinese adults? What challenges are they facing? How should the church respond?

Chinese Church Voices

A Generation of Digital Nomads (1)

Chinese youth are living in a world drastically different from a generation ago. What motivates young Chinese adults? What challenges are they facing? How should the church respond?

Chinese Church Voices

Pastoring Post-90s Christians

What difficulties do youth in China face today? How do Chinese youth pastors tackle ministry challenges? And the frustrations?

Chinese Church Voices

Do You Have a Message for Your 18-Year-Old Self?

Why at the end of 2017 was there a sudden flood of people posting photos of themselves when they were 18-years-old on Chinese social media? And what were the captions they were writing?

Chinese Church Voices

30 and Independent

Young Chinese Christians Dealing with Age-Related Expectations

Five Chinese Christians tell what "At thirty, I stood independent" looks like to them.

Blog Entries

China’s Church and Its Future

A fundamental question for Christians in China—who will lead the Chinese church of the future.


Towards More Effective Youth Ministry

The 2015 Survey on the Current Situation and Future Prospects for the Church in China, undertaken by the China Gospel Research Alliance, indicated that pastoring the next generation is a priority for Christian leaders in China. The needs of youth in China are great and the church in China must reach and minister to them or risk losing the next generation of believers—which will not just be the loss of individual believers but also the potential loss of Christian families and church leaders.