Tag: Chinese Youth

Chinese Church Voices

Meeting Gen Z where They Are—An Insider’s Perspective

Young people need a community where faith and real life intersect in meaningful ways, rather than simply attending traditional worship services.

Chinese Church Voices

Engaging Gen Z Anew

Guangzhou Churches Pioneering Youth Ministry Events

Guangxiao Church and Zion Church, two of Guangzhou’s leading and historical churches, are pioneering youth-focused outreach efforts to counter the decline in youth attendance. To attract them to the church, the two churches offer various youth-centered activities, including a "Faith Pharmacy," comic exhibitions, and storytelling sessions.

Blog Entries

Chinese Upbringing and US Culture

A Third-Culture Kid Bridges East and West

Pray that the Chinese Gen Z can find their true meaning and identity, that their worth would not in their achievements, but of a higher force.

Blog Entries

Loving Gen Z with the Truth of the Gospel

Joy Cheng closes by reminding us that, even as generations and technologies change, the need for salvation and love remain. The mission also remains the same. “The most loving thing we do as a parent,” she says, “is love our children with the truth of the gospel. We are the missionaries to this generation.”

Blog Entries

Arise Asia: Inspiring the Next Generation

Please join us in praying for this burgeoning missions movement from Asia and for the many conference participants who made commitments to give their lives for the kingdom.

Blog Entries

Being Chinese, Staying Christian in Europe

“We need to have the confirmation and confidence in the Lord that our first identity is as followers of Jesus, not as Chinese immigrants, businessmen, elders, founding pastors, or church-building pastors. Our most important identity is in our union with Christ.”

Chinese Church Voices

Protecting Children from Abuse

What Can the Church Do?

This year, just after Children’s Day on June 1, two horrific incidents involving the sexual abuse of girls were reported in China. In response to those incidents, this article from Gospel Times discusses what the church should do to help protect children and prevent sexual abuse.

Blog Entries

Second-Generation Chinese Youth—Kiwi and American

A Reader Responds

A reader discusses the similar challenges faced by second generation Chinese youth in the US and New Zealand. He concludes with an overview of strategies that might help Kiwi churches minister to the needs of their second generation.

Chinese Church Voices

“Lying Flat” for Those Who Follow Jesus

Though there is value in living a simple life of “lying flat”—not being bound by worldly desires—only through knowing God will you gain true freedom and true rest. Only then will your soul truly “lie flat.”

Supporting Article

Meet China’s Gen Z

Vol. 23, No. 3

The students from China’s Generation Z exhibit many characteristics differing from those of previous generations. The author identifies and describes these differences, then suggests ways that student ministries outside China can form relationships with these students.