Tag: Chinese Christians

Supporting Article

The Church in China: Living in Babylon

The author recounts personal stories showing how much things have changed in China since 2015, as evidenced by the CCP's increased control, repression, and persecution.

ChinaSource Perspective

A Deep Well

In this issue, we are offered thoughtful articles which provide us with rich draughts of wisdom and experience. We will be drawing from this deep well for some time to come.

Blog Entries

Raising the Walls of the Sandbox

As churches in China experience continued tightening, it’s worth considering the wider context of the measures and what their broader purpose is.

Chinese Church Voices

Weathering the Storm of Persecution

God does not permit an absence of trials, and they come today with beating drums. 
​Though the snow blankets the ground, the red plum blossoms are still bright. As persecution arrives, our love for the Lord deepens.

Blog Entries

A Few Unanswered Questions

From the recent webinar, "What Is It Like to Be a Christian in China?"

Chinese Church Voices

5 with Hearts to Serve

Snapshots of five Christians who each has a heart for serving vulnerable people groups.

Blog Entries

Studying Christianity in China

A Book Review

The last decade has seen an increase in the number of young Chinese scholars choosing to make Christianity part of their academic studies. Who are these young scholars?

Blog Entries

Why Every Returnee Should Read This Book

Very few returnees are informed realistically about the situations and challenges they will face both in the broader context and in the culture of the church when they return to China. This book can help.


Surviving the State, Remaking the Church

A Sociological Portrait of Christians in Mainland China

Selected by the International Bulletin of Mission Research as one of the ten outstanding books of 2017 for Missions Studies, this sociological portrait presents how Chinese Christians have coped with life under a hostile regime over a span of different historical periods, and how Christian churches as collective entities have been reshaped by ripples of social change. 

Chinese Church Voices

A Question for Christians at Christmas

Am I Really Ready?

Pastor Yang reflects on how easily Christians can be distracted from the true significance of Christmas and encourages all to prepare their hearts to welcome the the Savior.