Winter 2012
View From the Wall
Steady Growth, Comprehensive Restructuring and National Transformation Prospects after the 18th Party Congress
Following a rapid downturn in 2012, what are the prospects for China's economy in 2013? What trends are being seen, and what do they indicate? How do social and political considerations interact with the economy and does this have any impact for Christianity? Based on statistics, Dr. Zhao gives his outlook for China's economic future.
Peoples of China
China’s Migrant Children
Governmental policies making it possible for migrant children to attend public schools often are not implemented. The result is many migrant children attend privately-run migrant schools with lower standards or do not receive schooling. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the situation.
Supporting Article
China’s Online Christian Community
There is more freedom than many realize for Christians to use the Internet. Numbers of netizens, use of web sites by Christians and links to many sites are provided in this article.
Supporting Article
A Generation Saved; A Future Found
With attention placed on evangelization of adults, China's children and youth have been overlooked and few are being discipled for Christ. The author outlines the challenges facing the church, the consequences if action is not taken and realistic steps that can be put into practice.
Lead Article
Religious Statistics in China
Current evidence is that religion is flourishing in China. However, practical problems make statistical statements for the number of religious believers in China quite hazardous. The author cautiously examines the evidence that exists for each of the five, major, officially-recognized religious faiths in China.
Book Reviews
Listening to the Heart
A Book Review
Factory Girls: Voices from the Heart of Modern China by Leslie T. Chang. Picador, 2010, ISBN-10: 033044736X, ISBN-13: 978-0330447362; 320 pages; paper $10.88; Kindle edition $11.99 at Amazon. (Note: Various editions are available with a slightly different title, dates of publication and number of pages.)
Reviewed by Andrea Klopper
Resource Corner
Good News in China
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