Blog Entries by Joann Pittman

Joann Pittman

Joann Pittman is Vice President of Partnership and China Engagement and editor of ZGBriefs.

Prior to joining ChinaSource, Joann spent 28 years working in China, as an English teacher, language student, program director, and cross-cultural trainer for organizations and businesses engaged in China. She has also taught Chinese at the University of Northwestern-St. Paul (MN), and Chinese Culture and Communication at Wheaton College (IL) and Taylor University (IN).

Joann has a BA in Social Sciences from the University of Northwestern-St. Paul (MN), and an MA in teaching from the University of St. Thomas (MN).

She is the author of Survival Chinese Lessons and The Bells Are Not Silent: Stories of Church Bells in China.

Her personal blog, Outside-In can be found at, where she writes on China, Minnesota, traveling, and issues related to "living well where you don't belong."

You can find her on Twitter and on Facebook at @authorjoannpittman.

She makes her home in New Brighton, Minnesota.

Blog Entries

Public Lecture: Spreading the Gospel

Through Christian Posters in Early 20th Century China

Join us in April for a fascinating lecture on “Christian Posters in the Early 20th Century China.”

Blog Entries

Can I Travel to China Now?

Like so many others who have wondered the past few years if returning to China might ever be possible again, the news that travel restrictions were being lifted gave me a glimmer of hope that it might actually be doable.

Blog Entries

The Collapse of Zero-COVID

A Reading Roundup

In early December, the unthinkable happened. After three years of messaging to the Chinese people that “Covid will kill you and only we can keep you safe” (unlike those heartless bunglers in the West), the government suddenly seemed to be saying “never mind!”

Blog Entries

Opportunities and Challenges During Chinese New Year

How should Chinese Christians celebrate Chinese New Year? What’s the best way to live out the gospel during the celebrations? A pastor from mainland China reflects on these questions.

Blog Entries

Top 10 ZGBriefs Links for 2022

Readers’ most-clicked ZGBriefs links of 2022.

Blog Entries

China’s New Civil Religion

A Challenge and Opportunity for Engagement: Public Lecture

China is…in the midst of a religious boom, which the government is trying to use to further its grip on power… But can authoritarianism and religious life coexist?

Blog Entries

Talking about Souls of China

January Book Club

Do you love to read? Do you love to read books about China? Do you love to discuss books about China? If yes, then this is for you.

Blog Entries

The Lord’s Prayer

At least in the denominational circles that I am a part of, saying the Lord’s Prayer together seems to have fallen by the wayside. I have no idea why, and I have found myself recently wishing that we recited it more.

Blog Entries

Blessing Asia

From Bible exposition to K-pop worship, through seminars and workshops, Asia 2022 Congress participants were encouraged by the stories of what God is doing in countries all over Asia.

Blog Entries

The 20th Party Congress: A Roundup

In an unprecedented move, the 20th Congress of the CCP approved Xi Jinping to take up a third term as the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party. To help our readers understand the ramifications of the event, we have a roundup of articles and podcasts.