Dennis Balcombe

Dennis Balcombe, an American who has served in Hong Kong and mainland China for 54 years, has a vision to provide a Bible to every Chinese desiring one, and that all Chinese Christians will experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit. He planted the Revival Christian Church in Hong Kong in 1969 and pastored this church for many years. He is currently the director of Revival Chinese Ministries International.

Lead Article

Pentecost in China (1)


The author delves into the history of how Pentecostalism came to China in the late nineteenth century. He introduces us to early missionaries—including women—Chinese leaders, and revivals.

Supporting Article

Pentecost in China (2)

Church Growth in the “New China” Era

Balcombe brings us into the present by telling us about the Pentecostal church at the end of the Cultural Revolution and on through the years to its present situation.