Chi Wai Wu

Chi Wai Wu

Rev. Dr. Chi Wai Wu (胡志偉), an ordained Christian and Missionary Alliance minister from Hong Kong, now resides in Bristol. He pastored Yuen Kei Alliance Church (1984–2000) and led the Hong Kong Church Renewal Movement (2000–2020). In 2021, he moved to the UK, advocating for Hong Kong Christians' integration into local English-speaking churches. He supports Community Church with Cantonese sermons twice a month. A prolific writer, his articles have reached 50,000 readers in two years. He holds theological degrees from Evangel Seminary, Regent College, and Bakke Graduate University. His blog is

Chinese Church Voices

The Transformation of Overseas Chinese Churches: “Three Highs and One Low”

Overseas Chinese churches need to equip immigrant congregations to become people on the move, learn to grow and blend together in mixed groups, achieve cross-cultural missions together, and establish gospel partner relationships with other churches, instead of going it alone.