Readying for Recovery
May 25, 2020
In one of our earlier statements , we suggested that this season “in the valley” should be spent in active waiting. Taking time for reflection is not just to get our heart’s house in order but also to prepare. As a member of our team wisely said, “I don’t want to go through this time and not learn what God wants me to know about who he is and who I am.” Time in the valley is preparation for what comes after.
Whether we believe it or not, recovery will come. God, in his sovereignty stands on the other side of this crisis. And we know God specializes in recovery and restoration; but we have to be ready. Concerning Christ’s return Jesus said:
Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. —Matthew 25:13
While we wait expectantly for his return, we also want to be vigilant and ready to receive his word and direction for redemptive recovery from this present crisis. So, what does this mean for us? As individuals, churches, ministries, how do we stand ready?
At ChinaSource, we want to seriously seek the Lord in this. As we do so, we are greatly encouraged by how our Chinese brothers and sisters, as they begin their path to recovery, are seeking to discern what God has for them in their context. Observing their example, we see preparation in the following ways (a list which is by no means exhaustive):
- Alert readiness—Like the virgins in the parable who had bought extra oil ahead of time (Matthew 25:1-13), will we be watchful and ready to walk in step with the Spirit?
- Hopeful anticipation—Holding fast to his promises assuring us that what he has said, he will fulfill.
- Humble openness—Our status quo is being challenged; we can no longer rely on what we thought we knew. We will be called upon to pivot and move quickly in some cases. It may also be that what comes next will be a season of pruning or greater refinement. Will our posture be one of humility, open to what he has in store?
- Oneness in worship and prayer—Before the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost the followers of Jesus were joined together in prayer (Acts 1, 2). Christ’s Spirit always quickens expectancy and hope through unified worship and prayer.
Everyone, Christian or not, is sure that the world will be different going forward. Praise the Lord it won’t just be different, but new in ways that challenge us to greater Christlikeness.
Our prayer is that the church of Christ, inside and outside China, will kneel together, waiting, worshiping, and spurring each other toward whatever he is calling his bride to next.