Tag: Urbanization
The Struggles and Strengths of China’s Migrant Workers
From the desk of the guest editor.
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Conversation Launchers
Expanding upon his previous article, "The Gospel, Evangelism and Social Action in China," the author asks and answers some penetrating questions.
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Tentmaking and Indigenous Urban Mission in China
Few rural evangelists and pastors have really given up their farms or relied on the churches for their living. The author explains more.
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God is Moving in the Cities of China
As the greatest rural to urban migration in history continues in China, God is at work. He is opening doors for Christians to impact the cities of China, and He is stirring up His people to go through those doors. God’s people, both inside and outside of China, are beginning to respond to the challenge […]
View From the Wall
Behind China’s Urbanization
The Chinese government’s release of its latest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figure of $1,000 per person at the end of 2003 signifies that China is on the verge of becoming a world economic power. It also signifies that full-fledged urbanization has taken off. The traditional Chinese society, rooted in agriculture, is gradually diminishing and yielding […]
Peoples of China
Peoples of the Cities
The author takes us on a tour of some of the side streets of Beijing, showing us the diversity of people within the cities of China.
Peoples of China
The Cultural Crisis of Peasants in the Cities
Urbanization in China is proceeding at full speed with no return. Nowadays, more and more factories are being established in Special Economic Zones (SEZs). These bring not only many opportunities to entrepreneurs, but many young people from villages seize the moment and rush to the cities for jobs. The city is a place full of possibilities and pitfalls. There are non-Christian peasants who come to know Jesus Christ in the city; however, there are also Christian peasants who lose their faith there.
Peoples of China
“City Slickers” and “Country Bumpkins”
Are They People Groups?
Is the cultural divide between migrants and urban citizens yet another barrier to the gospel?
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Rural Urbanization in China
The phrase “rural urbanization,” at first glance, appears to be an oxymoron. Yet it is an apt phrase to describe what has been happening in China, especially in the eastern regions, over the past two decades.