Tag: Three-Self Patriotic Movement

Blog Entries

A Look at China’s Registered Church

From the 2020 Autumn Issue of CSQ

The autumn issue of ChinaSource Quarterly , comes out next week and here’s a glimpse of what’s in store.

Blog Entries

The Lianghui and Registered Churches

Friends or Foes?

The Lianghui is one of those things that falls into the category of “church with Chinese characteristics.”

Blog Entries

Who Was Mr. Wu?

Earlier this month, William Wan wrote an excellent article in the Washington Post, title "Prophet or Judas? Son of China Church Founder Tackles Thorny Legacy." The article introduces us to YT Wu, the man who, in the 1950s founded the Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee that became the umbrella organization for Protestant Churches in China. The article is specifically about Wu's son's attempts to access his father's personal diaries, which remain in the hands of the government.