Tag: Theology
Book Reviews
Chinese Theology for English-Language Readers
A review of A Reader in Chinese Theology edited by Chloë Starr, the best reader on Chinese theology available in English.
CSQ Article
Might Christians and Confucians Actually Agree about Human Nature?
Theological Contextualization in China
For centuries, both Christianity and Confucianism have each sought to reconcile two families of ideas within their belief systems. The author suggests that these two ideologies may have a great deal in common.
ChinaSource Perspective
Contextualization Mediates History and Meaning
Further Reflections
As Wendel Sun writes in this issue of ChinaSource Quarterly, most Christians serving cross-culturally have a strong desire to faithfully and meaningfully communicate the gospel. To accurately convey the truth of the gospel in terms that are understandable in the target culture, one needs a deep understanding both of Scripture and of the culture in […]
Lead Article
The City and the Church
Towards an Urban Theology in China
As China becomes increasingly urbanized, an urban theology for ministry is needed. As modern man finds himself slowly enmeshed in urban living, he experiences materialism, relativism, and an increasingly segmented society. He questions what is real and true, and who God is. These questions can become points of contact for urban ministry. Dr. Ma provides some guidelines for forming an urban theology for ministry in urban China.
Supporting Article
A Theology of Family for the Chinese Church
Due to the historical influences on family structure and ethics, many new Christians have no background for a Christian marriage and family. Sound doctrine and the ability to utilize the gospel to transform familial ethics are critical needs in China. In addition, due to a lack of accurate understanding of the doctrine of the church, there is a scarcity of guidance on managing the family as well as its relationship to the church. Li Jin presents the doctrine of the Trinity as a foundation for a Christian family.
View From the Wall
Families, Churches, and China’s Transition
Historical influences on family structure and how this structure has collapsed in recent decades are reviewed. The author then recognizes that family order has been established by God and must be restored. This is essential for China’s transformation. The role the Chinese church should play in this restoration needs to be thought through.
Peoples of China
Theology Or Theologies?
How does the diversity of China's ethnic population affect the development of Chinese theology?
Supporting Article
The Roots of Bishop K.H. Ting’s Theology
The 1930s up to the Cultural Revolution
The last year has seen the promotion by Bishop K. H. Ting (Ding Guangxin), former head of both the China Christian Council (CCC) and the Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), of a campaign for “theological construction” that is “compatible with socialism.” To understand this current movement we look back at Bishop Ting's early life and work.
Supporting Article
“Cultural Christians” and Chinese Theology
Who are China's "Cultural Christians? Will they influence the theology of the Chinese church?