Tag: Technology

Blog Entries

Zooming to New Frontiers

How the Covid-19 shutdown and a 21st-century piece of technology were used to help change traditional forms of the Chinese church—at least for a while.

Blog Entries

We Have Been Harmonized

A Book Review

“The China we once knew no longer exists. The China that was with us for forty years—the China of ‘reform and opening up’—is making way for something new.”

Blog Entries

Rethinking Church in Today’s World

A continuing conversation on the use of digital tools and trends in how the church gathers for worship and teaching and how they serve their communities.

Blog Entries

Serving with Wisdom in the Changing Ideology

The governing leadership in China over the years has been consistent, indeed almost predictable. And, as such, as we look at the history of mission and church development in China, we can foresee what Christians in Hong Kong will face in the new normal.

Blog Entries

The Inconvenience of Incarnational Ministry

Yes, we can use WeChat and many other ways to speak Life to our personal networks of image-bearers. But we speak best, truest, and fullest in the flesh.

Blog Entries

WeChat and Chinese Christians

A Match Made on Earth—Used for Gospel Good

The biggest story about WeChat is that the Christian church in China is using it well and growing through it. God is using this media for his glory!

Blog Entries

Facing Reality

If facial recognition technology is being rolled out in every other public space, why would we think churches and other religious institutions would be exempt?

Blog Entries

Re-Thinking Technology’s Impact

What influence does technology have on us, our lives, and the church in China? Our attitudes toward technology may hold the answer.