Tag: Sinicization

Blog Entries

Official Protestant Groups Plan Next Five Years of Sinicization

What Does the TSPM/CCC 5-Year Plan Tell Us about the Direction of Official Protestantism?

What the latest plan for Protestant leadership in the TSPM and CCC tells us is that Xi Jinping continues to attract or compel Christians to align themselves with traditional Chinese culture and, as important, with the Chinese Communist Party’s agenda.

Blog Entries

Sinicization: Culture or Politics?

The cultural and political aspects of the Sinicization campaign go hand in hand. At its core, the campaign is all about political control. Yet, given China’s culture of political dominance, it is also very much about culture—a culture of obedience in which religion serves the interests of the state…

Blog Entries

Securitization of Everything

Churches and individual Chinese Christians have felt the impact of this shift to greater emphasis and concern about security. Unregistered churches and groups are seen as threats affecting societal and cultural security. Any foreign connections are seen through a security lens as a potential threat to China’s stability and healthy development.

Supporting Article

Where Is the Chinese Missionary Movement Headed in the New Era?

Xi Jinping has put forth a grand vision and blueprint for China’s future. The Chinese church is eager to evangelize but over the past ten years has experienced significant restrictions. How then should the church and mission movement in China respond?

Blog Entries

Enduring Friendship

When our friendship storyline is out of step with the larger cultural narrative, whether in China or in the West, how do we as the body of Christ continue to build bridges of understanding?

Blog Entries

Towards Authentic Contextualization

A Reader Responds

That this non-Western contextualizing will leave many of our Western theologies and “brands” diminished or transformed could encourage us to repent for the scandal of our divisions…and to redouble our efforts to fulfill one of the final earthly prayers of Jesus that “we all be one.”

Blog Entries

Half a Dozen Plenums

The Sixth Plenum just finished a four-day meeting. What might the resolution that came out of the meeting mean for the church in China?

ChinaSource Quarterlies

China’s Registered Church

One Body, One Spirit, One Hope
Vol. 22, No. 2

Autumn 2020

Resource Corner

The Registered Church in China

Flourishing in a Challenging Environment

This new publication, by Wayne Ten Harmsel, will soon be available. An excerpt from chapter three is included.