Tag: Peacemaking

Blog Entries

Opening the Door to Reconciliation

Those I interviewed in China… expressed repeatedly that holding tight to these unexamined views of themselves and their positions was a big hindrance in reconciling relationships. Yet, as their mindsets shifted, a door to potential reconciliation opened.

Blog Entries

Heart vs Surface-level Reconciliation

Pursuing heart-level reconciliation can be hard, humbling work. A labor of love. Yet when our love is infused with God’s love—our source of strength to reconcile—we can persevere in the process.

Blog Entries

Are You in Conflict?

As Christians in China study biblical peacemaking, many have had personal aha moments…they now see that conflict starts in the heart and that avoiding addressing the root heart issues in order to “avoid conflict,” only results in the heart conflict remaining.

Blog Entries

Peacemaking in China


People shared their conflict stories, how they viewed face issues (saving, giving, and losing face), the hindering impact of face on reconciliation, and how God enabled them to set aside face to apologize and forgive…They have demonstrated that conflict resolution and relational restoration in face-saving cultures is possible!

Blog Entries

Seeking Shalom in a Hostile Environment

Frameworks for Discussion

Learning to think biblically in responding to challenging and changing times.

Blog Entries

Daniel—A Model for Hong Kong in Creating Shalom

The perplexities Daniel the prophet faced serving the holy Lord, while at the same time serving earthly kings in the midst of less than godly practices, can be relevant for the complexities we face today.

Supporting Article

The Four Pillars of Peacemaking

God calls his church to grow in peacemaking. While we will always face conflicts in life, through the gospel the Lord enables us to become Christ-like peacemakers. Four principles for becoming peacemakers are explored.