Tag: Overseas Chinese

Peoples of China

Serving the Postmodern Generation

Having worked with Chinese students from overseas who are studying in North America, the author poses the question of how North American Chinese churches should modify their strategies in order to reach these students. After detailing some of the characteristics of postmodern students, he draws from his experience to explain and give examples of strategies he has found useful.

Book Reviews

The Dragon’s Gift

The Real Story of China in Africa

The reviewer discusses the author's argument that China has created her own path for aid, how this is working in Africa and what it means for the continent.

Peoples of China

Global Snapshots

A Look at the Chinese Diaspora around the World

From New Zealand to Canada, from professionals to laborers, we are given brief glimpses of the third Chinese diaspora in a variety of countries. A number of diaspora workers give us glimpses into the lives of the people they work with and how they are presenting them with the Gospel.

Supporting Article

Mainland Chinese on the African Continent

Every year, China does $10 billion worth of trade with Africaand this continues to increase. Thus, the continent, and especially South Africa, is drawing a large number of Mainland Chinese. Who are these Chinese and what are their situations? Who is trying to reach them with the Gospel and what challenges do they face in doing this?

Lead Article

Missiological Implications of Chinese Christians in Europe

The author tells us where Mainland Chinese are found in Europe, what they are involved in and their relationships to Christianity. He discusses their ties with established European Chinese churches, their impact upon the church in China as many return to their homeland and the outreach of European churches to the Chinese diaspora among them.

View From the Wall

Rebuilding the Walls

How does it feel to return to China after studying in the West and beginning a new job? As a Christian, how does one manage in a job where others have differing values? Where does one find answers and support?

Resource Corner

The Returnee Handbook

On the Road of Homebound Journey

Help for those returning home to China

Supporting Article

International Student Reentry and Returnee Ministry: An Overview

Reverse culture shock, conferences addressing international student reentry and research are discussed. Many resources, with a focus on material for Christian returnees, are suggested.

Supporting Article

China and Her Returning Students and Scholars

The author considers the impact of history and the role that worldview plays in the lives of returnees. She then discusses from a practical point of view the issues facing returnees and the needed responses. She concludes with lessons learned by returnees.

Lead Article

Working with Sea Turtles

One topic sure to bring up lots of entries on a Google search, some 47 million Chinese entries, has to do with "haigui" (sea turtles). This term, haigui, in current Chinese slang refers to overseas returnees, especially to the thousands of Chinese students who completed studies overseas, gained practical work experience, and have now returned home. How many of these haigui are returning as Christians? What kind of impact wil they after spending time in the West? Are there ways we can support them?