Tag: Missions

Blog Entries

The Paradigm Shifts as the Pendulum Swings

A Reader Responds to “When the ‘Golden Age’ Is Over”

Preventing infiltration through preaching, seen as a national security concern, has become a valid reason for prohibiting foreign missions whenever the pendulum swings towards the restrictive side…. I propose revisiting the concept of missions in order to find a breakthrough.

Blog Entries

Missiological Reflections on Money

Questions of money—supporting Chinese Christian workers, paying local assistants, giving gifts to “needy” Chinese—return like revolving doors as often as new expat Christians arrive in China.

Blog Entries

Where to Work in the Diaspora?

Mission-sending organizations have limited personnel and resources to invest. How should they make good decisions?

Blog Entries

Blessing Asia

From Bible exposition to K-pop worship, through seminars and workshops, Asia 2022 Congress participants were encouraged by the stories of what God is doing in countries all over Asia.

Blog Entries

Why Denominations?

Responding to “When the 'Golden Age' Is Over”

An experienced cross-cultural worker discusses the issue of Christian denominations in China, in light of questions raised in the recent post, “When the Golden Age Is Over.” He argues that denominations can help churches unify and work together to further the spread of the gospel throughout China.

Blog Entries

A Necessary Task

A Reader Responds to “When the ‘Golden Age’ Is Over”

As the number of expatriate cross-cultural workers in China, and the scale of their work, has shrunk dramatically, it is vital that we take time to reflect on what we have done and how we have done it.

Blog Entries

A Lived Theology Approach to “Seeing” the Chinese Church

Reflecting on “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era” (1)

To begin this reflective series based on the webinar, “Chinese Christianity in the Modern Era," we consider what it means to see the whole of the Chinese church and what theological lenses are needed to make sense of what we see.

Blog Entries

Will History Repeat Itself?

Whether a century ago or today, whatever our China stories may purport to tell us about being apolitical, of “leaving our politics at the door” or “staying out of politics,” one of the hard lessons of history is that foreign Christian involvement in China is unavoidably political.

Blog Entries

5 Theological Truths and Church-State Relations (2)

Lessons from China

How will we react to attempts to divide us along socio-economic, racial, ideological, or nationalistic lines? Will we quietly acquiesce and accept a church that is not really whole?

Blog Entries

5 Theological Truths and Church-State Relations (1)

Lessons from China

The statement declares, “Christian churches in China are eager and determined to walk the path of the cross of Christ and are more than willing to imitate the older generation of saints who suffered and were martyred for their faith.”