Tag: Hong Kong

Blog Entries

Book Review: Children of the Massacre

The Extra-ordinary Story of the Stewart Family in Hong Kong and West China

It is indeed “extra-ordinary,” as the subtitle to the book states, that, rather than having an antipathy towards China and Chinese people, all six felt called to return and serve in China in various capacities over the years.

Blog Entries

Opportunities in the Light of Kingdom Identities

As a Christian in Hong Kong, I am not only interested in the economic aspects of consolidation with our neighboring city; I am also interested in cross-border and cross-cultural exchanges of spiritual life between the communities. While the government creates synergy through conjoining the strengths of the two cities, we should explore whether the interaction between the Christians of the two locations can give rise to new opportunities for kingdom ministries.

Blog Entries

Hong Kong!

The city of Hong Kong has a special place in the hearts of quite a few of us on the ChinaSource team.

Blog Entries

Seeking Shalom in a Hostile Environment

Frameworks for Discussion

Learning to think biblically in responding to challenging and changing times.

Blog Entries

Online Event: The Vessel Overturned

Current Views on Hong Kong Christian Civic Life

Sociologist Lida Nedilsky will talk about the involvement of Catholics and Protestants in Hong Kong's civic life, and the impact this has had on churches in the city.

Blog Entries

Youth Hymns and Chinese Christian Hymnody in the Mid-Twentieth Century

Youth Hymns played a significant role in Chinese Christian hymnody and continues its legacy in the twenty-first century. This is the story.

Blog Entries

Recognizing Blessing in the Coming Integration

Although there may be increasing restrictions for believers in the future, God’s sovereignty is still in force. Socio-political and economic changes can be used by God as instruments to accomplish his purposes.

Blog Entries

An Unchanged Endeavor in Changing Times

The prophets’ bifocal view, the far-sighted perspective of the mission of God and caring for the near neighbor and kinsmen before their eyes, helps me reflect on how our faith communities in Hong Kong should reframe our attitudes in facing the challenges ahead.

Blog Entries

One Virus, Two Cities

If the global pandemic has laid bare our shared vulnerability, then it has also highlighted our interdependence as global citizens.

Blog Entries

Mission Ministry in Hong Kong, Part 2

Sunset or Sunrise?

Yet, we should rest assured that God’s invitation for his children to take part in his mission plan has not changed. But in participating in God’s mission, the way of implementation should vary with the dynamics of world development which is also under God’s sovereignty.