Tag: Ethnic Minorities
Supporting Article
Where Is the Chinese Missionary Movement Headed in the New Era?
Xi Jinping has put forth a grand vision and blueprint for China’s future. The Chinese church is eager to evangelize but over the past ten years has experienced significant restrictions. How then should the church and mission movement in China respond?
Supporting Article
Saving China, Saving Ourselves: 1911–1965
History of Chinese Christianity in North America (2)
Tseng continues his narrative by recounting how events in China, mingled with events in the United States, influenced the development and growth of the Chinese church in the US with a focus on social justice, public witness, and biblical kingdom values.
Supporting Article
The “Model Minority” Myth in the Chinese American Church
Today's Challenges
In the United States, Asian Americans, including Chinese Americans, have been presented as sterling examples of immigrants who have ascended through the ranks to achieve the American dream. Lee explores this concept, how Chinese Americans see themselves, and the impact of this perception upon their faith and church life.
Book Reviews
Adopting an Unreached People Group
A review of 首要推荐的100 个国内族群 (100 Priority Unreached People Groups in China) published by Mission China 2030.
Edited by two Chinese missiologists and available only in Chinese, this prayer guide lists the top 100 unreached people groups in China with the purpose of encouraging China’s churches to adopt these groups. In addition to listing China’s minority groups, it also contains an extensive article on the status of evangelization among minority people groups.
Peoples of China
The Tibetans in Gyairong Region
A Research Report
The author provides us with a research report on a Tibetan people group in the Gyairong region of Sichuan. He gives background and then traces his church’s involvement with this people group. He goes on to relate the history of missionary work among these people and lessons learned that can be helpful in bringing the gospel to them today.
Peoples of China
Why We Must Not Forget the Past
Lessons from the past on reaching China's minorities
Peoples of China
Theology Or Theologies?
How does the diversity of China's ethnic population affect the development of Chinese theology?
Supporting Article
China’s Christian County
The Lisu of Fugong
The story of a Christian county in rural Yunnan.
Book Reviews
The Untold Story
The Liberating Gospel in China, The Christian Faith among China’s Minority Peoples. by Ralph R. Covell.
A review by Jim Ziervogel