Tag: Cross-Cultural

Blog Entries

Treasures at the Market

This little analogy from the retail world breaks down easily. But it does make me stop and think. Am I one of the “half-hearted creatures…fooling about when infinite joy is offered?”

Blog Entries

Are You in Conflict?

As Christians in China study biblical peacemaking, many have had personal aha moments…they now see that conflict starts in the heart and that avoiding addressing the root heart issues in order to “avoid conflict,” only results in the heart conflict remaining.

Blog Entries

Peacemaking in China


People shared their conflict stories, how they viewed face issues (saving, giving, and losing face), the hindering impact of face on reconciliation, and how God enabled them to set aside face to apologize and forgive…They have demonstrated that conflict resolution and relational restoration in face-saving cultures is possible!

Blog Entries

The Paradigm Shifts as the Pendulum Swings

A Reader Responds to “When the ‘Golden Age’ Is Over”

Preventing infiltration through preaching, seen as a national security concern, has become a valid reason for prohibiting foreign missions whenever the pendulum swings towards the restrictive side…. I propose revisiting the concept of missions in order to find a breakthrough.

Blog Entries

Giving Thanks in the Darkness

This thanksgiving glimmers with the hope that our engagement will help to complete the story…about what China is becoming. But what happens when we ourselves are the ones in need, with neither the opportunities nor the means to enter into the story in the way we thought we were supposed to?

Blog Entries

Missiological Reflections on Money

Questions of money—supporting Chinese Christian workers, paying local assistants, giving gifts to “needy” Chinese—return like revolving doors as often as new expat Christians arrive in China.

Blog Entries

Blessing Asia

From Bible exposition to K-pop worship, through seminars and workshops, Asia 2022 Congress participants were encouraged by the stories of what God is doing in countries all over Asia.

Blog Entries

A Necessary Task

A Reader Responds to “When the ‘Golden Age’ Is Over”

As the number of expatriate cross-cultural workers in China, and the scale of their work, has shrunk dramatically, it is vital that we take time to reflect on what we have done and how we have done it.

Blog Entries

A Visit to Shaoshan and What I’ll Not Forget

Many Chinese see Mao Zedong as a hero, while many Westerners see him as anything but. However, to understand China's new era, we must try to understand why the Chinese people continue to honor Mao and his legacy.

Blog Entries

A Superlative Sabbath

In all our discussions on what to sing or study, when and where to meet and for how long, to have snacks or not, who was to teach—there was never a thought of not meeting.