Tag: Christmas

Blog Entries

Silent Night

Wishing you a blessed Christmas from ChinaSource!

Blog Entries

5 Things I Loved about Christmas in China

The act of sharing with students the richness of Christmas and the significance of God coming down to be with us is humbling and beautiful.

Blog Entries

Wishing You a Balanced Christmas

Some things are just too good to keep to yourself, and Christmas is at the top of the list for an English teacher in China.

Blog Entries

Snapshots from Another World

Bringing hope—both economic and spiritual—to poor rural families in Yangqu County.

Blog Entries

Does a Story Go with This?

Celebrating Christmas as an English teacher in China was the gift of a lifetime. 

Blog Entries

Merry Christmas!

The ChinaSource Team would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. As you celebrate this joyous season, please remember to pray for Christians in China who will be using the holiday to share the gospel with their family and friends.

Blog Entries

Christmas Crowds in China | Part 3

Crowds of New Believers

In years past I have marveled at the large numbers of people who flow through China’s churches every year at Christmas. I know of one urban church that hosts over 10,000 visitors during its six Christmas services. Each year I see the church building bursting at its seams, bodies crammed along every aisle and stairway. Each year I watch as the area around the church is closed to traffic and swarmed by young people eager to catch a glimpse or hear a word of Christmas—compelled by a sense that Christmas must in some ways must be connected to the church.

Blog Entries

Christmas Crowds in China | Part 2

Crowds of Apples

As I walked through the center of town on Christmas Eve, I was forced every few steps to maneuver around yet another vendor trying to sell me something. In years past the pushcarts had been covered with Santa hats and light-up electronic wands. This year, however, it was all about apples—enormous apples branded with fortuitous (or sexy) images and packaged in Christmas-y cardboard boxes.

Blog Entries

Christmas Crowds in China | Part 1

Crowds of Security Forces

Over the Christmas holiday I saw three very different large gatherings, each of which demonstrates a prominent trend in contemporary China.  Taken together, these three crowds say something profound about the direction that China and her church are headed.  

Blog Entries

Best Christmas Advice: Act One and Act Two

Pondering the incarnation in a cross-cultural setting.