Tag: Chinese Youth

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Arise Asia: Inspiring the Next Generation

Please join us in praying for this burgeoning missions movement from Asia and for the many conference participants who made commitments to give their lives for the kingdom.

Blog Entries

Being Chinese, Staying Christian in Europe

“We need to have the confirmation and confidence in the Lord that our first identity is as followers of Jesus, not as Chinese immigrants, businessmen, elders, founding pastors, or church-building pastors. Our most important identity is in our union with Christ.”

Blog Entries

Second-Generation Chinese Youth—Kiwi and American

A Reader Responds

A reader discusses the similar challenges faced by second generation Chinese youth in the US and New Zealand. He concludes with an overview of strategies that might help Kiwi churches minister to the needs of their second generation.

Blog Entries

Passing the Faith to the Next Generation

Reaching American-Born/Second-Generation Chinese

Key issues for Chinese American Churches.

Blog Entries

What Is the Gospel and Its Implications for Second Generation Chinese Youth

The gospel of grace taught in the home and at church is vital for reaching Chinese American youth.

Blog Entries

China’s Church and Its Future

A fundamental question for Christians in China—who will lead the Chinese church of the future.

Blog Entries

The Value of Interdependence

First, let me confess that I am not an expert on China, nor have I lived in China. My exposure consists of supporting New Song’s in-country program director while working remotely from the US. Twice a year for 6-8 weeks at a time I travel to China for direct interface with those Chinese nationals who are trained and equipped to implement self-worth development curriculum. Through these committed community leaders New Song has impacted children and youth across China with what I believe is a culturally relevant and biblically based message of the intrinsic value of every individual. As a Westerner, my knowledge of China is shaped by this sliver of a window into Chinese culture and the church in China. It is more exposure than the average Westerner but not as much as some of you who read this blog.

Blog Entries

Factory Buddies

We hardly even notice them anymore, and when we do, we probably either roll our eyes or chuckle. I’m referring to the ubiquitous “Made in China” labels that adorn our consumer goods. Televisions, underwear, souvenirs, computers—you name it, it’s probably made in China!

Blog Entries


I have been to Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, twice and have three distinct memories. 

Blog Entries

Young People in China

This past month has seen a flurry of articles written about the religious sentiments of Chinese youth, all triggered by the release of a survey conducted by the National Survey Research Center of the School of Philosophy at People’s University in Beijing. Many of the stories picked up the angle that Islam was the most popular religion, while others highlighted the growing popularity of religion in general among Chinese young people.

These stories actually prompt deeper questions about what life is like for youth in China today. What are Chinese youth like? What are the issues they wrestle with? How are they coping with the pressures of life? Are they really interested in spiritual matters?