Tag: Chinese Missionaries

Blog Entries

FieldPartner Helps Workers and Sending Churches to Cross Cultures

For missions to be successful, cross-cultural workers need to be equipped to understand the new culture. Churches need training on how best to support their workers. FieldPartner is creating online content in English and Chinese to support both workers and sending churches.

Blog Entries

Serving China’s Missionary Church

Serving China’s missionary church will require seeing “success” through a new lens, defined not by big-budget projects and exotic stories, but by the faithfulness of those who are willing to labor in obscurity on the margins, often unannounced and unnoticed, with perhaps few visible results.

Blog Entries

The Seed of the Church and the Modern Missions Movement

The Lord is building this eternal dwelling and the stones he is using to construct this beautiful “holy temple” include dedicated young men and women from various parts of China like the two martyrs in Pakistan and like the Bernheims.

Blog Entries

Understanding the Challenges of Cross-cultural Workers from China

A New ResearchShare Paper

A PhD dissertation analyzing the experiences of cross-cultural workers sent from China is now available in Chinese.

Blog Entries

Cultivating Chinese Missionaries Faithfully and Realistically

There is a Chinese saying 《十年树木,百年树人》 which means, “It takes ten years to grow a tree but a hundred to cultivate a person.”

Blog Entries

3 Questions: Indigenous Missions Movement

What are some of the significant breakthroughs in the development of the Indigenous Missions Movement from China.

Blog Entries

China’s Mission Movement: A Call to Incarnation

Today the forces of urbanization have brought Han Chinese believers face-to-face with a diverse range of cultures, from international students and business people to members of the hundreds of ethnic groups resident within China’s borders. 

Blog Entries

3 Observations

A Reader Responds to "Missions from China—A Maturing Movement"

What rings true and what needs to be challenged?

Blog Entries

Re-balancing the Seesaw

Can Chinese missionary-sending organizations help re-balance the seesaw and increase the effectiveness and sustainability of cross-cultural missionaries from China?