Tag: Chinese Missionaries

Blog Entries

Successes, Setbacks, and Surprises in Chinese Medical Missionary Sending

This article is a follow-up to a series of articles written by this author on Chinese medical missionary sending in 2017, published by ChinaSource. Reflections expressed herein grow out of the successes, setbacks, and surprises encountered after the implementation of many of the ideas conveyed in that series of 13 articles.

Blog Entries

Bringing Light to the Mountains

The Gospel Among the Yi People

China’s minority groups, particularly those such as the Yi (彞, approximately 8 million strong), have been marginalized for years. This region has been designated as an “extremely impoverished” area dependent on outside resources. However, this aid often remains superficial and fails to address the root causes of the problem.

Blog Entries

Crossing Cultures: Theology versus theology

Their critical contextualization of who belonged in Jesus’s kingdom, who were the real Christians, freed the gospel from ethnic cultural imprisonment, and opened the door to for an all-peoples Church.

Blog Entries

Who’s in Charge?

As with many Christian China narratives, the questions we ask shape the storyline. If “Who’s in charge?” is not the right question, attempts to answer it will undoubtedly prove unsatisfactory. Perhaps a better starting point would be, “How shall we lead together?”

Blog Entries

Filling the Need to Care for Workers

Training Member Care Providers for Chinese Missionaries

We believe that member care is an integral part of missions sending and we want to see Chinese senders better equipped in this area… The sent and the senders will fulfill the Great Commission together.

Blog Entries

Just Listen

“If the… global body of Christ can be there and say, ‘We are together here with you. I have my struggles, and you have your struggles, but we are together, praying to God together and seeking his guidance and help together,’…that can be very comforting and can be an encouragement.”

Lead Article

The Need for Innovation and Digital Transformation

By redeeming technology, Christians can redefine their engagement in the Great Commission and empower the discipleship of the next generation to carry global missions forward.

Blog Entries

Why the Mother Tongue Matters

The Root of Connection and Cultural Vitality

Language is culture. Our mother tongue keeps our cultural heritage alive. The mother tongue helps us stay connected to our traditional, cultural values and our roots.

Blog Entries

Arise Asia: Inspiring the Next Generation

Please join us in praying for this burgeoning missions movement from Asia and for the many conference participants who made commitments to give their lives for the kingdom.


Calling, Vocation, and Spiritual Formation for Chinese Mission

This paper is a brief discussion of calling, vocation, and spiritual formation as it relates to Chinese Christians in mission service and the churches that send them.

Originally written as an assignment in the author’s doctoral program, the paper is based on interviews with Chinese Christians about their journey of spiritual formation, their life callings, and vocational stewardship. Other relevant research is also included.