Tag: Chinese Immigrants

Lead Article

The Christian World They Made Together: 1850–1911

History of Chinese Christianity in North America (1)

The author explains the growth of the Chinese diaspora and Chinese immigration to the United States and Canada as well as the events that gave birth to North American Chinese Christianity.

Book Reviews

America for Americans

A Book Review

In her book, Lee examines the ways xenophobia manifests itself, and how it has been directed at specific groups of immigrants throughout American history. From the pre-Revolutionary War period to the Muslim Ban of 2017, this book points out that the fear of foreigners manifests contemporary social, political, and economic anxieties.

Supporting Article

The “Model Minority” Myth in the Chinese American Church

Today's Challenges

In the United States, Asian Americans, including Chinese Americans, have been presented as sterling examples of immigrants who have ascended through the ranks to achieve the American dream. Lee explores this concept, how Chinese Americans see themselves, and the impact of this perception upon their faith and church life.

Supporting Article

Interview with Rev. Yoman Man

The Experience of One American City—Chicago

In this interview, Rev. Man, the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Chinese Church in Villa Park, Illinois, tells of the growth of the church, how Chinese immigration has affected it, and the challenges it has faced.

Blog Entries

3 Questions: Far East Deep South

An Interview with Director Larissa Lam

"Chinese people in Mississippi? What happened there?"