Tag: Chinese History

Blog Entries

From the Middle East to the Middle Kingdom (3)

Mass Migration under the Khan (AD1271–1367)

We may be surprised to learn how much the Hui’s geographical spread, their expressions of Islam, and their awkward relations with the Han all stem from the Mongol-ruled Yuan Dynasty era policies.

Blog Entries

From the Middle East to the Middle Kingdom

The Hui, an Introduction

Who are the Hui Muslims of China? Where did they come from, what are they like, and how are they being reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Blog Entries

100 Years of God’s Protection and Guidance (Part 2)

Policies and Plans in Favor of Christianity

Christianity faces adversities in China. But God has used some of those unfavorable conditions to accelerate church growth. Thistles and thorns are not the only plants on the path of evangelism. We have simply ignored the little daisies growing along the way.

Blog Entries

100 Years of God’s Protection and Guidance (Part 1)

Turning Adversities into Blessings

History has convinced me that God cares about China in his missional plan. This anniversary carries spiritual meaning when we see that the Chinese church has witnessed God’s protection and guidance over the past 100 years.

Blog Entries

Talking about Sensitive Issues

The conversation taught me the importance of relational trust and humility in addressing sensitive historical topics and the vital role of self-critique in forming the most important of connections: ones that bring us closer to our shared sense of brokenness and the need for grace beyond what we can muster.

Book Reviews

Sino-African Relations and International Contexts

The authors provide a brief history of Sino-African relations and international contexts to give readers a deeper understanding of the evolution of China’s engagement with Africa and modern Sino-African relations.

Blog Entries

A Village with My Name

A Book Review

Without being a heavy historical text, this book provides something for everyone interested in China.

Blog Entries

Out of China: How the Chinese Ended the Era of Domination

A Book Review

A very helpful resource and a reminder that one dare not approach China without having done one’s history homework!

Blog Entries

China’s Past as Key to the Present

Examining the lens of Chinese church history to better understand where China’s church finds itself today.