Tag: Chinese Bible

Blog Entries

Finding the “Pastoral Middle” in the Translations Debate

A reader shares his thoughts on the Chinese Union Version of the Bible. 

Blog Entries

A Tool for Studying the Chinese Bible

A helpful reference work for those called to dig deeper into God's word in a Chinese context.

Blog Entries

Which Chinese Bible Should I Recommend People Read?

A helpful overview of the various versions of the Chinese Bible and the terms and abbreviations that are commonly used to describe them.

Blog Entries

The Miracle of the Chinese Bible

Like the Chinese church itself, the Chinese Bible has not merely survived; it has flourished.

Blog Entries

Regrets in Ministry

It took me several years before I began to realize that the problem was not the lack of spiritual openness or scriptural knowledge of my Chinese brothers and sisters but rather my own biblical illiteracy.

Blog Entries

Bibles in China: The Gray Zone Shrinks

Bibles are now no longer for sale online in China, and that is, indeed, bad news. But we need to be clear what hasn’t happened and what has happened. 

Blog Entries

Going Deeper

Serious Tools for Serious Study

Since returning to China after an absence of several years, one of the things that has most impressed me has been the increase in availability of high quality reference tools for serious Bible study in Chinese.