Tag: Beijing Olympics 2008

Supporting Article

Chinese Christian Nonprofits and Reshaping Perceptions of Evangelism

Since Chinese Christians see evangelism as their most important mission, the author explores the evolving relationship between nonprofits and evangelism, as well as the significant impact on theology and practice that nonprofits can make.

Peoples of China

The Chinese Athletes

Their Daily Lives and Futures

Dedication, difficulties, and questions about what's next following an intense but relatively short career.

Book Reviews

Pure Gold

Eric Liddell: Pure Gold by David McCasland. 

Reviewed by Wayne Martindale

View From the Wall

Are We Ready?

A View from Beijing before the Olympics

For the one-year countdown to the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, two musicians from Hong Kong contributed a song entitled "We Are Ready." The author takes these three words and turns them into a question. Are we ready? And, from that to extract the layers of readiness needed before the Games.

Supporting Article

Providing Community through Festivals

Community "festivals" can bring harmony and love.

Supporting Article

Dreams of a Chinese Sports Outreach

Sports events can become a means to encourage Christian service.

Lead Article

Benefits from Hosting the Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are bringing major changes to Beijing and to the nation.

Peoples of China

Chinese Athletes

Dedication, difficulties,and questions about what's next following an intense but relatively short career.

Lead Article

The Clash of Culture and Class in China’s “Olympic Era”

Many challenges face China today and have resulted in clashes of culture and class.

Supporting Article

Preparing for 2008

It's Not about the Olympics

It’s not about the Olympics or sports, but about what God is already doing in China.