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Supporting Article

The Interior Decoration Tycoon of Shanghai

The story of Jiang Jiexue, one of China's Christian entrepreneurs.

Lead Article

Sustainability and Stewardship in the Kingdom of God

As believers we can be a force for change while fulfilling our responsibility to Gods creation.This is one man's story.


August 30, 2012

FEATURED ARTICLEVideo: The history between the Catholic Church and China (August 27, 2012, UCA News)Rome Reports presents a brief look at the first apostolic delegate appointed to China, Cardinal Celso Constantini, and how he helped shape the modern-day Catholic Church in China.GOVERNMENT / POLITICS / FOREIGN AFFAIRSChina Is Said to Be Bolstering Missile Capabilities (August […]


December 27, 2012

For the Holidays, Hong Kong Decks Its Skyscrapers in Lights (December 24, 2012, The New York Times)

But this time of year, the spectacle ratchets up several notches. Out come vast, multicolored, complex designs that span many floors and make the Rockefeller Center in New York and Oxford Street in London pale by comparison. Frolicking reindeer, bobble-hatted snowmen, enormous Christmas trees adorn dozens of buildings, sometimes to startling effect.

Blog Entries

Seven Reasons Chinese is Becoming Easier to Learn

The study of Chinese as a second language is exploding around the globe, yet few Westerners today read, write and speak Chinese fluently. No wonder native speakers often say, with a certain satisfaction, their language is tai nan xue, "too hard to learn."


July 12, 2013

Foreigners and Chinese Working Together: A Local Perspective (Summer 2013, ChinaSource Quarterly)

As a Chinese Christian, Jenny has worked alongside foreigners in Christian organizations for over a decade. She opens her heart and shares insights from a Chinese perspective to help new workers (and those already in China) avoid points of misunderstanding and friction as they serve with local brothers and sisters.


ZGBriefs | July 30, 2015

Not ‘Leftover Women’ but ‘Leftover Men’ Are China’s Real Problem (July 29, 2015, What’s on Weibo)
China’s single young women have been put in the spotlight by Chinese media for years. But according to the state-run Xinhua News, it is not the women, but the single men that are China’s real problem.


ZGBriefs | September 24, 2015

China’s gospel valley: Churches thrive among the Lisu people (September 22, 2015, Christian Century)
Pastor Jesse’s mud-plastered Mitsubishi SUV jolted wildly along the newly dug dirt road that zigzagged up the mountainside toward the construction site of the new church. We stopped to let a pedestrian squeeze by, a middle-aged Lisu woman with a pink, checkered headscarf and a giant bamboo back basket which was strapped to her forehead. The Lisu are one of the 55 ethnic minorities of China and the predominant tribespeople in Gongshan, which nestles on the slope of the Gaoligongshan mountain range.


ZGBriefs | November 5, 2015

Calling China’s New National Spy Hotline (November 2, 2015, China Real Time)
A man answering the hotline Monday afternoon said he didn’t know why the national hotline was not located in a more central city like Beijing or whether the government planned to set up a toll-free version. So far, he said, no one had called to report any suspicious activity.

Lead Article

The Life That Is Truly Life

What is the difference between true life and counterfeit life? Ownership versus stewardship, the source of happiness as well as our security along with where we look for the provision of our needs are all elements that play a part in having true life. Moving from a counterfeit life into true life does not happen overnight but is a day-by-day journey as we trust in God.