Articles from 2017

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9 Best Practices for a Chinese Missionary Sending Organization

Strategies to Assist with Chinese Missionary Sustainability

The Chinese church passionately desires participation in missionary sending. Through a survey of the mission sending literature and field research with Chinese missionaries, nine best practices for Chinese mission sending are proposed that may facilitate long-term Chinese missionary sustainability.

Book Reviews

Ecclesiology, History, and the Identity of the Chinese Church

A Book Review

Using a historical approach, this book looks at the early stages of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) and Chinese Protestant Christians’ responses to changing church-state relations from 1949-1958. The author proposes that to understand the conflicts between the early stages of TSPM and the Chinese church leaders, theology and Christian identity are significant factors. This work provides valuable insights to keep in mind while studying the history of Chinese Christianity.

Resource Corner

Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity

A significant resource, this website offers the names and life stories of significant figures in Chinese Christianity including those who pioneered and nurtured the churches, led independent Christian movements, and applied biblical values to Chinese social and political challenges across the centuries and around the world.


Understanding the Past, Understanding the Present

The guest editor's point of view . . .

Peoples of China

Women in China’s Protestant Church and Missions

In both church and mission in China, women make up the majority of workers; however, their contributions and circumstances can sometimes be overlooked. The author looks at how God has used women of bygone days to build his church in China. She discusses three examples of women as well as a trio of women who provided leadership and greatly impacted the development of China’s Protestant faith. She also provides a bibliography for those interested in further study of this topic.

View From the Wall

Why Believers Need to Understand Chinese Church History

We must know the past to understand the present. For the most part, Chinese Christians do not understand Chinese church history; therefore, they often have no means to properly respond to changes in society. A look back at Chinese church history shows us that many of the difficulties faced by today’s Chinese church have similarities to those that have confronted the church over the years. Not only can history suggest appropriate ways to respond to today’s difficulties, it can help us discern God’s purposes in the present.

Supporting Article

Traditional Chinese Views of History and Contemporary Chinese Christianity

Following a brief review of the ways Chinese have viewed their history over the centuries, the author turns to the consideration of how today’s PRC citizens view their history. All Chinese views of history have included “history” that is promoted nationally and directly serves the interests of the state. This approved narrative means that for most Chinese there is a nation-wide, generally agreed upon social narrative that may well be the only one he or she knows. The author then offers four items for the foreigner to remember when considering Chinese history or Chinese Christian history.

Supporting Article

Fragmented and Complacent

The Chinese Church that Lacks Historical Consciousness

The Chinese church’s lack of historical consciousness is longstanding. While the secular world has increased its understanding of history in many areas, the church has lagged behind. Only recently has research into church history begun. As it becomes known, the church needs to recognize that history has practical applications and must learn how to apply these. When this does not happen, there are negative effects, and the author discusses some of these.

Lead Article

History: It’s Essential

Strong faith is built upon history. Knowledge and reflection on history are essential for the church and for those who serve. 


The International Church Role in Chinese Missionary Sending, Part 2

Strategies for Financial Partnership between Chinese and International Mission Senders

The Chinese church passionately desires participation in missionary sending. The international church seeks to partner with Chinese missionary senders. Finances are one key, but controversial, area of possible collaboration. Funds can become a stumbling block to mission efforts. Discriminating, time-limited use of money to support Chinese missionary sending in the framework of sound principles of financial giving decrease risks of dependency.