Articles from 2001

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Education: For Whom? And Why?

The editor's perspective.

Supporting Article

Life of a Student

How does a student in a Chinese private school spend his day?

Lead Article

The Marketization of China’s Education

Major shifts are ocurring in the Chinese education system. What are those changes and how are they affecting students and families?

Supporting Article

Private Education

Private schools are a new phenomenon in a country where the government has long assumed exclusive control for education. Today, though, private schools are flourishing. 

Supporting Article

“Foreign Teachers” in China

"Foreign teachers" impact students in China in many ways. There are also challenges to be met 

View From the Wall

Getting Out of the Mud

As China’s rapidly changing market reform enters the 21st century, China’s educational reform, in contrast, seems to experience little change. Nevertheless, changes in education are occurring. While these changes have not caught the attention of many people, nonetheless, their meaning is more far reaching than most realize.

Lead Article

Challenges and Opportunities in China’s Turbulent Future

The system-wide transformation already well underway in China will bring rapid change over the next decade—in society and culture and eventually in politics also. As WTO-related reforms are introduced, the process of change will be highly complex, even chaotic at times. We need to look beyond the superficial headlines about China as a threat to U.S. interests and see both the sober challenges faced by its government as well as the needs of the people.

Peoples of China

Pray for the Leaders of China

One of our goals at ChinaSource is to alert Christians around the world to the needs of unreached Chinese peoples. Historically, we (along with many others) have focused on the minorities of China, and we rejoice that interest in taking the gospel to these needy people groups has begun to grow. More recently, we have been stirred by the needs of unreached peoples among the Han majority, many of them defined by socio-cultural rather than ethno-linguistic factors. The leaders of the government of China constitute one such group.

View From the Wall

What We Chinese Fear Today

A tongue-in-cheek look at the fears of the people of China today and a final challenge.

Supporting Article

Chinese Students in the West and China’s Future

With increasing numbers of Chinese students coming to West, how can the church be prepared to reach them with the gospel?