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Where Did Eastern Lightning’s Leaders Come From?

Section two of "Where Did Eastern Lightning Come From?"


ZGBriefs | May 5, 2016

China Reveals What It Wants to Do with Christianity (April 28, 2016, Christianity Today)
According to Xi, uniting all believers under CPC leadership is necessary to preserve internal harmony while warding off hostile foreign forces that may use religion to destabilize the regime. Xi’s insistence is not new, nor is it simply a function of China’s Communist rule. Since imperial times, state power has been seen as ultimate. It is, and has always been, the prerogative of the Chinese state to define orthodox belief and to set the boundaries for religious groups whose doctrines fall outside official limits.

Blog Entries

Denomination Names in Chinese

[…]               Shènggōng Huì Baptist                        浸信会                      Jìnxìn Huì Lutheran                    路德会                       Lùdé Huì Methodist                   卫理公会                  Wèilǐ Gōnghuì Presbyterian              长老会                        […]

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Threescore and Ten Years

A Special October 1st National Day

China has a lot to celebrate as a nation looking back at its 70-year history; during these years, what has happened with the church in China?

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Serving with Wisdom in the Changing Ideology

The governing leadership in China over the years has been consistent, indeed almost predictable. And, as such, as we look at the history of mission and church development in China, we can foresee what Christians in Hong Kong will face in the new normal.

Blog Entries

May They Dream of Jesus

Know Thy Hui Neighbor (6)

This is the time of year when Muslims are most in tune with spirituality and when Christians who love Muslims pray most fervently for God to reveal himself to them in the person of Jesus the Messiah.