Results for: Jack+Brooks+Regional+Airport++%E2%9C%86+%F0%9D%9F%B7~%F0%9D%9F%BE%F0%9D%9F%B6%F0%9D%9F%B6~%F0%9D%9F%B8%F0%9D%9F%BC%F0%9D%9F%BB~%F0%9D%9F%BF%F0%9D%9F%BB%F0%9D%9F%BE%F0%9D%9F%B7+%E2%9C%94+check-in+time

Blog Entries

A Winter Reading Recommendation

Find a warm, comfortable spot and enjoy this excerpt from Stranger in Every Land: Reflections of a Transcultural Adult in a Shrinking World.

Blog Entries

Reading Tea Leaves from the 2021 National Religious Work Conference

What can we learn from the recent conference on religious work? A comparison with the 2018 conference helps tease out key points.

Peoples of China

For Such a Time as This

Exploring the current trend of many Mainland youth to receive their education outside of China, the authors examine cultural and societal issues that can help us understand the situations and challenges these students face as they study in Western countries.

Blog Entries

It’s Easter. It’s Been a Long Time. Why Am I Still Hurting?

Because that’s how grief works. It is not just a once in a lifetime thing, it comes back at unexpected moments.

Blog Entries

For Such a Time as This in Real Time

Even as the world is facing the worst pandemic in a century, I believe the Lord has given ChinaSource an important calling to continue helping forge collaborative oneness in Christ between the church in China and the global church, while amplifying Chinese church voices and bringing understanding to the church in the West.

Blog Entries

7 Reasons Why Sinicization Is Not Rhetoric This Time

Isn't this just propaganda, empty threats, or show. Haven’t we seen similar programs rolled out in the past?

Blog Entries

Cultivating Chinese Missionaries Faithfully and Realistically

There is a Chinese saying 《十年树木,百年树人》 which means, “It takes ten years to grow a tree but a hundred to cultivate a person.”

Chinese Church Voices

Practical Tips for Pastoral Enrichment (1)

Once a pastor is involved in full-time pastoral ministry it can be challenging to continue learning and growing in God’s word and effective ministry methods. This article from ChurchChina shares the insights of several pastors who participated in a forum on how to continue learning.

Blog Entries

Grappling with Multiple Identities

When faced with various identities in a complicated world, how might Christians understand and respond to potential conflicts?

Supporting Article

The Church’s Role with Returnees from China

Suggestions are given for practical ways in which churches can help ease the transition of cross-cultural workers returning from China to their home country.