Tag: Tibetans

Blog Entries

From the Forbidden City to NYC

Outreach among the Tibetan Diaspora

What is needed is people who know Jesus and love Tibetans enough to find ways to engage them personally, enough to walk with them through faltering steps of faith, and enough to endure long enough in the field that seeds sown find their way to good soil, hearts God has already prepared.

Blog Entries

A Missed Opportunity

How Our Questions Shape Our Narratives

Through his testimony, many became acquainted with China’s suffering church. His story was one that needed to be shared, and by God’s grace it became a great source of encouragement to those who heard it. . . . There is another story, however, that could have been told if anyone had thought to ask.

Blog Entries

Discipleship from Karma to Atonement

A New Resource on ResearchShare.

What is needed for effective discipleship among Tibetan Buddhist background believers?