Tag: Returnees


Returnee Ministry: Reflecting on Developments

The opportunities remain significant for the church and international student ministries to reach and disciple Chinese students and scholars, the majority of whom (about 80 percent) will go back to China.

Lead Article

From “Run” to Return

Helping Chinese Returnees Stand Firm in Faith

We long to see returnees not just survive their transition home, but return well, engage with and get involved in the local church, and be ambassadors for Christ to their families, friends, colleagues, and the world.

Supporting Article

From Beersheba Back to Haran

Reflections on Christian Returnees

Jesus Christ is the true hope of Christian returnees who have experienced loneliness, who have struggled to save themselves, and who have faced disappointments and despair.

Supporting Article

Onesimus, Philemon, and Paul

An Example of Returnee Ministry

Onesimus went back to Colossae as a powerful agent of change, demonstrating the gospel’s power to redeem and break down barriers. May those returning to China from around the world also be used powerfully for God’s kingdom.

Supporting Article

Back to the Fold

Rediscovering Faith and Community for Chinese Returnees

In truth, it is always easier to run away than to face challenges but fleeing from difficulties is not God's will. I thank the Lord for protecting and keeping me in my work and in helping me find a church, and for giving me confidence and joy to rebuild my life.

Supporting Article

Chinese Christian Returnees in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic

Contributions and Difficulties  

It is important for returnee Christians to ask God for wisdom as they follow Peter’s admonition to early Christians who were struggling: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”

Book Reviews

Preparing Returnees to Go Home Well

A Review of the Returnee Handbook for Chinese Christians

We know that our love for God, for his kingdom in China, and for returning Chinese Christians demands that we equip our returnees with all that they need to remain faithful to Jesus.

ChinaSource Perspective

Returning from a Sojourn

May we welcome [Chinese international students], love them, teach them about Jesus, and disciple those who believe. May we prepare them well to return and may the churches in China prepare well to receive them.

Resource Corner

A Reading Roundup for Returnees

Check out the books in the Resource Corner to help the returnees and returnee ministries in your life.

Supporting Article

Adversity and Opportunity

Returnee Ministry and a Global Pandemic

Returnee ministry involves movement and connections. The author explains how these two factors have encountered adversity and opportunity during the COVID-19 global pandemic.