Tag: Religious Persecution
Supporting Article
The Pentecostal Legacy of the Indigenous Churches in China
Prior to 1949, while some of the independent, indigenous Chinese churches were not Pentecostal, the larger church networks had Pentecostal roots. Pentecostal beliefs and practices continue to define a large segment of Chinese churches today.
Supporting Article
Pastors in China’s New Era
Lee explains the three main reasons why the Communist Party is wary of Protestants: their faith is seen as an ideological threat to the Party, churches can bring foreign influence, and they are a collective action threat. She then explains the various ways pastors are dealing with the actions the Party is using to hold them in line.
Supporting Article
The Church in China: Living in Babylon
The author recounts personal stories showing how much things have changed in China since 2015, as evidenced by the CCP's increased control, repression, and persecution.
View From the Wall
Is Persecution Worsening?
Perspectives on the Changing Religious Policy Environment in China
Is persecution in China increasing? Two house church leaders, one who was imprisoned in a labor camp for a few years, and the other who is a Chinese scholar with strengths in theological education and the history of the Chinese church, give their viewpoints on this topic.